
Reviews from Sofa Session Attendees


Driving Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I have watched and read countless sessions, guidance and advice to support me but nothing has felt as empowering as your session, it was also really beneficial to hear your own journey and that you too suffered and have overcome your fear.

Driving Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Hey Anna, I just wanted to share that last night I came across your page whilst on a Google search of “how to overcome anxiety when driving”, I signed up for your sofa session and watched it last night and again this morning! Honestly, the best £20 i have spent on trying to make a positive change!! I have suffered with driving anxiety for a few years now and it is becoming increasingly worse, I have to drive for work as I work in the community, I can’t drive on some single roads as I go into sheer panic, often pulling over to pull myself together. The fog is another huge gear of mine and I have been known to change or move my appointments because I can’t face the fear and panic of driving in the fog. HOWEVER, today it was dense, really foggy and I was like no you can do this, ride the wave because you are brave, admittedly i took a detour as one route was really dense, however I did it, I made it to work with positive thoughts in my head and no panicky feelings! Thank you so much

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Thanks so much for a fantastic session. I could have stayed on for another hour!

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I just wanted to email through some tears to say what an amazing session. I know that I will refer back to your points and I feel so confident from your reassurance.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I wanted to thank you really and truly. It has left me in tears as for the first time in 17 years of living with PTSD, it’s as if you were the voice in my head

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I found this session so reassuring and empowering. It felt like we just had a cuppa and the hugest hug and it was utterly refreshing.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I was nodding away and scribbling to try and savour every bit of what you said


Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I cried, I took notes and I relished in the idea that health anxiety doesn’t need to control me


Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Your delivery was so powerful, this one hour has been worth 20 hours of private therapy. You just get it and that’s so important.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Thank you for the sofa session on health anxiety. I found it really helpful and made six pages of notes! It resonated with me on so many levels, and I’ve already use the tools for the anxiety I’ve just had. Thank you you really hit the nail on the head.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

It was incredibly empowering. Eight pages of notes for me to refer back to whenever I need to. I couldn’t recommend any of Anna’s workshops enough. I felt less alone, but I wasn’t losing my mind and that my thoughts are valid.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

The way you presented your session with your calming manner, relatability, sharing your resources and tools has empowered me to be more compassionate to myself during this pandemic.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

It was good to remind myself of the coping mechanisms I can use and I’m really going to try to send to myself and not let my thoughts by real whenever I feel the anxiety is coming on. The way you presented the session was great to, you speak as if you are a friend on the same level which I think works really well and I find very motivating. Thank you so much.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Absolutely the best one hour invested, thank you so much. I’ve already used some of my new coping mechanisms tonight. Really truly grateful to have been part of your session. I’m going to sign up for reframing anxiety next. Thank you.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

It was amazing and enlightening I can’t thank you enough! I’m excited to read through my notes and put the talk it into practice and genuinely feel there is hope to get it under control. Even just understanding that it is a common thing and the reasons for it is such a big deal for me. Thank you.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I’m going to go through my notes. Process it a bit more. But initially I feel wow. Mind blown. I feel really good. Thank you.


Could of sat for hours listening to your wise words and the way you made me feel that I wasn’t alone with this feeling and that there are ways to help when I start to spiral…

Was so connected to how you explained health anxiety…all those steps of how it unfolds absolutely resonated with me…

Will certainly be looking at the reframing anxiety course

Thank you so much…


Katie Hobbs  

The session really did make me feel less alone and gave me the chance to reflect upon my anxiety, through lots of tears and sobs. The strategies recommended are simple but look really effective, and I am so grateful for Anna’s wisdom, words and compassion. I really do identify so much with her and what she has to say having shared many of the same struggles. Thank you.

Health Anxiety Attendee on catch up (verified owner)  

Worth every penny and every minute. Watched this with my husband as he’s been struggling with health anxiety for a while now. This session is full of practical tips and helpful explanations of how the mind works. Anna has such a knack of giving real life examples and delivers with such empathy that you really feel she understands you and your own situation. I highly recommend this.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I just wanted to send you a note to say thank you!! I just watched the health anxiety sofa session and I sobbed so much at some bits as I felt like you were just talking to me.

Health Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

I just wanted to say thank you for your health anxiety sofa session I really enjoyed it. Everything you discussed resonated with me and I was even laughing at points with relief thinking this is exactly what I do! I am going to put into practise the grounding techniques you suggested and will be looking at completing your courses on reframing anxiety and people pleasing.

Overwhelm and Burnout Attendee (verified owner)  

Wow. Just Wow. Thank you Anna. That is the first webinar I have attended and I felt like you were talking directly to me. Such wisdom as always and hopefully that hour I have just taken for myself for the first time with be the start of some self care/respect/worth to come. Thank you.

Overwhelm and Burnout Attendee (verified owner)  

Tonight’s burnout session had me in tears and i feel *so* much better. Hearing you speak that I’m not somehow ‘less’ just because I feel overwhelmed has honestly lifted a weight. I didn’t realise how alone I felt.

Overwhelm and Burnout Attendee (verified owner)  

If you want to do something for yourself I’d highly recommend.

Overwhelm and Burnout Attendee (verified owner)  

Thank you for the sofa session last night, I found it comforting, informative and made me hopeful.

Liz Wallis  

It was such a comfort to listen to Anna. It was if she was speaking to me, about me. I cant wait for her next book!

Faye meadows  

After following Anna for a while on Instagram and getting so much wisdom from her , I bit the bullet and booked the driving anxiety sofa session! Anna is the most relatable, compassionate lady who feels just like a friend and Knowing she has experienced the driving anxiety herself made it more helpful . I came away recognising what my fear actually is ! I came away with tools to help me overcome it and most of all HOPE! Thankyou Anna your a real life angel on earth xx


Thanks so much for the session on driving anxiety. It is so reassuring to find out how common it is and to feel less alone. I haven’t driven for many years and I’m expecting my first baby in July. I’m determined to crack it before then so I can have my freedom back. Feel much more confident and hopeful that I will be able to now and will be starting small, gentle steps towards getting back to it!

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

I just wanted to say thank you. My husband & I watched together last night. It really helped him to understand more deeply how anxiety & emetaphobia can warp your view of the world. He normally feels a bit “on the outside looking in” with the issues in our house. Hopefully this will empower us both to support our daughter & ride the wave.

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve had a lifelong struggle with the most debilitating phobia. I went on a course to try and tackle it (Ihave tried everything), but I learnt something about myself and the phobia tonight that has made me emotional and I think it had all my answers inside. Thank you

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

I just joined your emetophobia sofa session and that was absolutely the time out I needed so thank you so much! I just realised it had been years and years since I have had the opportunity to stop and think about my behaviours and how they are linked to my feelings and emotions-which led to some amazing clarity and simple thoughts on how to move forward. So thank you so much-what a precious hour that was.

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

It was great, thank you so much. It’s amazing how you can go from feeling so alone with it to suddenly realising you are absolutely not the only one. So thank you, there is hope!

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

Thank you so very much for this evenings sofa session. I honestly can’t explain the relief of hearing you speak out loud all of the ways that emetophobia can impact a persons life. I felt understood after years and years of feeling like it must only be me who feels winter/avoids places/controls what I eat/is terrified of my child catching a bug at nursery etc. I took away so many helpful things and I really hope I’m able to have The courage to start putting them into practice as and when situations arise. Thank you again.

Emetophobia Attendee (verified owner)  

Hi Anna, I just wanted to say such a huge thank you for the emetophobia session. I’ve spent the rest of the evening dancing round the house because I feel like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve been trying to get rid of this debilitating phobia for a long time-but I feel like this evening really gave me the tools to kick it but once and for all. So thank you, thank you.


The session on Emetophobia was incredibly useful. My daughter has suffered from this for two years now and I was feeling pretty desperate about her future before the session (having tried everything!). Anna instantly calms, soothes and identifies with anyone going through this horrific experience both from a personal and professional point of view. She validates all the emotions surrounding it and offers brilliant advice, strategies and pearls of wisdom -the whole session is hugely empowering. This hour is worth it’s weight in gold for anyone who knows someone suffering or is suffering themselves. I now have total confidence my daughter can overcome this and that I can support her the right way.

Lauren Powell  

Thank you so much, Anna, the session was so brilliant. I was crying within minutes just feeling i’m not alone and feeling so seen hearing you talk about your triggers, wow. I look forward to trying out your techniques next time I’m triggered, I’m sure it won’t be long! Thank you x

Joanna Waller  

I just wanted to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sofa session on emetaphobia. when you said “ you are not alone” i felt tears in my eyes. I’ve suffered for as long as I can remember and no one understands and I often feel so Lonely hiding my daily panics and anxiety from everyone. I finished the session feeling empowered. Understood and confident and these feeling are rare in an emet. Thanks again. Thanks again.

Rebecca Louise Sarah Shepherd (verified owner)  

I just wanted to say that the sofa session on health anxiety is amazing and has helped me so so much, my googling obsession of symptoms would consume me for days and I could think of nothing else. I would keep going until I would break down with exhaustion of anxiety and couldn’t see what was real in regards to my health or my children’s health and it was affecting my life in a bad way. Your session has helped me put tools in place so I no longer reach for my phone to google and to calm myself that I don’t need to do it. I spent most of the session in tears, tears of relief that I’m not alone in my anxiety and knowing that I can have the power to stop the cycle from your amazing advice. I am going to do the reframing anxiety course next. I throughly recommend this session it has helped me more than anyone will ever know.

Lesley Cole  

I have benefited so much from this session. It was so relatable and informative and I feel I’ve taken so much away with me to work on. It was money well spent and I’m already looking to see what other courses I can do.

Mothering the Mother Attendee (verified owner)  

Thankyou Anna. I’ve Just really really enjoyed every second of your Mothering the Mother sofa session and feel so seen and validated and basically less like I’m a crazy shit storm in a teacup and more like a badass mother who’s survived the most brutal year I could’ve ever imagined. It’s hard because it’s hard, and I’m not enough! And that’s ok! It all makes sense. Thankyou so much.

Get ready for lightbulb moments

Enjoy a powerful, one-hour sessions focussing on different topics. Grab a cosy spot on the sofa (or even in the bath!) and expect to be encouraged and equipped as Anna shares her professional and personal insight.


Driving Anxiety Attendee (verified owner)  

Hey Anna, I just wanted to share that last night I came across your page whilst on a Google search of “how to overcome anxiety when driving”, I signed up for your sofa session and watched it last night and again this morning! Honestly, the best £20 i have spent on trying to make a positive change!! I have suffered with driving anxiety for a few years now and it is becoming increasingly worse, I have to drive for work as I work in the community, I can’t drive on some single roads as I go into sheer panic, often pulling over to pull myself together. The fog is another huge gear of mine and I have been known to change or move my appointments because I can’t face the fear and panic of driving in the fog. HOWEVER, today it was dense, really foggy and I was like no you can do this, ride the wave because you are brave, admittedly i took a detour as one route was really dense, however I did it, I made it to work with positive thoughts in my head and no panicky feelings! Thank you so much

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