Claim more headspace and happiness
These courses aren’t just a wealth of professional and personal insight, these concepts have changed my own life and I feel confident that they will benefit you too. Have a read through the course information and reviews and drop me an email if you have any further questions.
Credentials: I am an accredited member the British Association of Counselling and Psychology, and hold a Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling. I have had almost 10 years of experience in a wide variety of therapeutic contexts.

Packed with practical tips and light bulb moments
Video Workshops £20 each
“I was nodding away and scribbling to try and savour every bit of what you said!”
Join Anna for an interactive video workshop covering a range of mental health topics. She shares both professional and personal tips and insights.
You don’t have to live to the background buzz of anxiety
The Reframing Anxiety Course £60
“I am truly astounded by how I am feeling today as opposed to last week. I can’t thank you enough.”
A powerful three-week, self-guided, interactive course designed to help you reframe your anxiety. Suitable for anyone experiencing any level of anxiety.

Self worth is the foundation upon which everything else stands
The Week on Worth Course £30
“…genuinely life changing…it has transformed me…thank you.”
Our self-worth is the foundation upon which our lives our built. It determines the decisions we make, the boundaries we place, the relationships we have and how confident we feel in ourselves.
Finding yourself living to please others? You’re important too!
The People-Pleasing Course £60
“Thank you so much for giving me the tools to take back control of my life!”
The People-Pleasing Course addresses people-pleasing, sense of self, identity and perfectionism. It’s designed to strengthen your voice and equip you in growing in confidence.
Do you want less guilt, self-questioning and worry, and more rest, confidence and headspace?
The Happy New Mum Guide
£35 (or £20 each for Parts 1 or 2)
In the season of giving, let yourself receive.
Merry Imperfect Christmas Course £12
The four hour-long video sessions cover a wide range of topics, from mum guilt and loneliness, through to intrusive thoughts and feeling touched-out, overwhelmed and under-supported.