Calming the Mother Rage

Calming the Mother Rage It was 5pm, in the kitchen on a Tuesday afternoon. I emitted a roar so thunderous that my toddler wailed and my sons abandoned the television’s glare to investigate. Next appeared my husband, clutching an open laptop whilst swiftly cutting off a colleague mid-sentence. Eyes watched in confusion as I visibly […]

Ruby in the Rubble – We shouldn’t judge what we are not, but we do.

Ruby in the Rubble submission by Lauren Kaighan A note from Anna: Pleasing others and ensuring they think I’m a good person has been a driver for so much in my life, and also the reason I’ve held back. Address this (I’ve written a course called The People Pleasing Course to help guide you in […]

I want to shout less. I want to drink less.

‘I shouted at Charlie. Like, really shouted at him. He cried. I cried, and now I feel bad’ Oh Anna, we all do that. Don’t worry about it. It’s tough. Everyone loses it sometimes. It’s not like it’s all the time. ‘I can’t remember the last day I didn’t have a drink. Just one the […]

A different way of seeing self-care

Long bath with a page-turner novel

I think I’ve changed my mind about self-care. Self-care is not a shower. It’s not peeing when you need to. It’s not hydrating or going to bed instead of doing another load of washing. That is self-respect. Does my husband think he’s engaging in ‘a little self care’ when he hops into the shower to […]

Dealing with coronavirus anxiety

(My Reframing Anxiety Course goes into significant depth on health anxiety, but I’ve been asked numerous times a day to write about how to handle Coronavirus anxiety, so I am putting some of my tips into context). Perhaps you find yourself obsessively checking the news for fresh articles on Coronavirus or scouring updated statistics. Maybe […]

Dear Charlie – Letters on Motherhood

I’m sharing this letter in honour of Gi Fletcher and her beautiful book, Letters on Motherhood. I wrote this to my son Charlie, when he was 5 months old. It was typed through tears as  I spent New Years Eve of 2016 alone on the sofa. It’s a stark reminder of how things always move […]

I’m sick of it! The fear of vomiting and how to address it

Me: ‘ I can’t stand people being sick’ Someone else: ‘yeah, nobody likes people being sick’  But does everyone else.. Wake with a racing heart after repeated nightmares about vomiting? Replay historic sickness scenarios through their minds like unwelcome horror films? Experience a sharp rise of panic when someone coughs loudly on a train? Feel […]

Tips for the parenthood-rollercoaster ride

(Sponsored post by Waterwipes) What a rollercoaster parenthood is! However, a quick scroll through social media would often have us believe that we’re the only ones sitting on this hair-raising ride. It seems like comparison is king and we often feel like we’re the only ones winging it. I’m going to share my top parenting […]

“I don’t want a boy” – The secret shame of gender preference

(Those who follow my work will know I had a girl in my third pregnancy. This article was written prior to the pregnancy, updated for use in an alternative context and then placed on my blog. Gender disappointment can prompt feelings of guilt and shame, and these feelings are valid and deserve exploration regardless of […]

Contemplating pregnancy after PND

I have recently announced my third pregnancy! I am due in the middle of February next year. From the outside, it looks like we’re just completing our little family, but those who’ve followed my Instagram account and blog, will know that the decision to try for a third child, wouldn’t have been an easy one […]

My Number One Anxiety Tip

I’m, going to share my top tip for those trying to address their anxiety. As you know, I LOVE a metaphor, so bear with me on this, it will make perfect sense in a moment. My husband badly hurt his shins running a marathon. He couldn’t walk and had to temporarily re-locate to the creaky […]

The other side of tidy

Vacuuming up glitter from a rug

My house is tidy. Pretty much always, generally tidy. (I am having to claw my fingers in order to stop writing ‘I’m sorry’) Obviously there are pockets of chaos when the kids have just emptied the toys everywhere, or the husband has been at the kitchen, but generally, my house is fairly neat. Through instagram, […]

Mum guilt – love, loss and living in the moment

One of the things that tips petrol onto Mum guilt, turning it from a glowing ember into a ferocious fireball is the belief that we ‘should’ enjoy every moment. Here is my battle: On the one hand I’m trying to live in the moment with my boys, fuelled by the very truthful platitudes of: ‘Make […]

Fight the Anxiety

Mum dancing in the kitchen with her child

I heard a sad story today. It made me want to hold everyone I love so closely. Not out of pure enjoyment, but out of fear that something may happen. I know I’ve written about this before but it’s a raw and tricky balance to find. On one hand, you’re aware and scared of losing […]

Lean On

Hand emerging from a field of wheat

Needing help is a weakness. Asking for it is shameful. That’s our cultural lesson. Self sufficiency is king. If we can’t fix ourselves, we’ve failed. If we ‘need’ from another, we’ve lost something of ourselves.This is my constant battle. My raging self-sufficiency is both a blessing and a curse. It can make one driven and […]

Give Yourself Permission 

Life affirming words written on paper with a pair of glasses

??NO!!!?? This term is batted around so generously. Yes, of course, recognise moments for their worth and enjoy them if you can. But, life can be shit. Days can be long. Tears can be plentiful and salty. Curve balls, words, moods, drama, trauma, tantrums, bad news, tantrums…happen. You can feel like you’ve been depleted of the […]

Question the ‘Should’

I bet you slip the word ‘should’ into your vocabulary all the time. ‘I really should…’ or ‘I shouldn’t..’ Every time we do this, we are are trying to keep ourselves in check, telling ourselves we ‘should’ feel guilty if we don’t do what we feel we ‘should’ do. It’s an opportunity to conform to […]

Don’t Be Fooled

Child surrounded by toys in messy living room

It’s in our nature to present the best bits of our homes, faces; relationships, lives, children. I mean, why wouldn’t we! We KNOW that they are the best bits, we know that there are messy piles out of shot, that the momentary smile has been the only one in the day amidst the grumpy whining, […]

Gratitude vs Anxiety

Smiling, happy mother with her children

Sitting in the car on the way to the airport, my 3 year old Oscar fell asleep on my shoulder. His little hand relaxed in mine. I looked at him, his hand, his face. I felt an overwhelming, aching love for him. A roaring wave of gratitude. What did I do to deserve my children? […]

Mum’s can’t take sick days

Poorly woman wrapped in blanket sneezing

I wrote this blog post last year, and have just revisited it as the gross, autumn bugs arrive and I’m not feeling fab: I have spent the last week tending to my sick toddler. There’s a delightful virus going around boasting a week of stubborn temperatures edging 40. We’ve had additional night wakings, cancelled play-dates, […]

Self-care is a fine line

Self-care isn’t as simple as taking a long bath or booking in a manicure. It’s about value, self-worth and believing you deserve treating yourself with care and respect. It’s about recognising the difference in what one day may be self-care, can be self-destructive procrastination the next. It can be a fine line. It’s about how […]

Mum Guilt

I’m the first to acknowledge that I’ve spent the majority of my life as a perfectionist. An insatiable demand placed over myself, by myself. A desire to be the best, with little room left for my humanness. I never believed I was enough. I could write a whole post on how I have begun to […]

Two very different love stories

I wrote this on New Years Eve as the calendar switched to 2017. Reading it again now, as life feels far fuller of hope and enjoyment, it breaks my heart that I felt so low and desperate. I wanted to publish it incase it might be helpful for anyone – feel free to share. I […]

Let’s keep in touch

My monthly newsletter full of thoughts, tips and recommendations to inspire and encourage you through parenthood and sometimes an discount for one of my courses.